How many times have you shaken hands with the perfect hire, only to repost the position again in a few short months? Using the right strategies during a job interview can help you eliminate the red flags, but there are still no guarantees about job performance. Even after calling all references, asking tough questions and […]
When an employee quits, it can cost employers thousands or even tens of thousands of dollars. You have to spend time and money to recruit and screen applicants, then interview the top candidates. With these resources used and productivity lost, wouldn’t it be better to not have to fill a vacant position in the first […]
Sidney Weinberg, head of Goldman Sachs from the 1930s to 1960s, had a huge impact on the firm’s growth into an international giant. However, he didn’t always enjoy a view from the top. In fact, Mr. Weinberg started out at the very bottom – as a janitor’s assistant. He began his tenure at Goldman Sachs […]
A Hug Isn’t Necessary, but Welcome New Employees with Open Arms
Remember those jitters you had on the first day of school? Well, that new temp in accounting is probably feeling the same way. In fact, temporary workers and part-time employees often feel intense first-day nerves because they are worried others will see their role in the company as less valuable. Whether or not that’s true, […]
You might think of text messaging as the mode of communication junior high kids use to break off romantic relationships. However, texting is increasingly becoming a perfectly acceptable way to communicate in the workplace. In fact, German Chancellor Angela Merkel is well-known for regularly tapping away at her mobile device. Hence, if texting is efficient […]
The hiring process can be grueling, and by the time you begin discussing compensation you may be tempted to simply land the job – as long as the pay is reasonable. Resist this urge and push forward with a proactive negotiation strategy. Otherwise, you risk leaving a significant amount of money on the table. According […]
How Much Money Does a Bad Hire Cost? You’ll Want to Sit Down
Many employers don’t realize the actual cost of replacing staff. A high employee turnover rate can be the death knell of a company. The most efficient way to avoid high turnover is to minimize your bad hires. Replacing a bad hire requires reopening a job search as well as conducting the training process again to […]
Be Prepared for How Long Island Will Look in the Future
If you grew up in the 70s and early 80s you may have spent your formative years expecting to work 20 or 30 years in a manufacturing plant. If you grew up in the 90s and early 2000s, you may have carved a career path geared toward financial services. It goes without saying that both […]
We all know we should network through social media, but simply setting up a LinkedIn profile or Twitter account, and posting regularly, isn’t enough. You need to be proactive. Being proactive doesn’t mean treating every interaction like a door-to-door salesperson from the 1950s. The proactive networker sees their actions as part of a two-way relationship, […]
Stop Scrambling and Use These 5 Steps to Get Organized
Whether it’s to find a new job or boost productivity in your current position, getting organized can save you time. Since time is money, investing in better organization can put more money in your pocket. The Ancient Greek maxim ‘Know Thyself’ applies to many situations, especially when it comes to getting organized. Begin the organizational […]