You might think of text messaging as the mode of communication junior high kids use to break off romantic relationships. However, texting is increasingly becoming a perfectly acceptable way to communicate in the workplace. In fact, German Chancellor Angela Merkel is well-known for regularly tapping away at her mobile device. Hence, if texting is efficient […]
How Much Money Does a Bad Hire Cost? You’ll Want to Sit Down
Many employers don’t realize the actual cost of replacing staff. A high employee turnover rate can be the death knell of a company. The most efficient way to avoid high turnover is to minimize your bad hires. Replacing a bad hire requires reopening a job search as well as conducting the training process again to […]
Be Prepared for How Long Island Will Look in the Future
If you grew up in the 70s and early 80s you may have spent your formative years expecting to work 20 or 30 years in a manufacturing plant. If you grew up in the 90s and early 2000s, you may have carved a career path geared toward financial services. It goes without saying that both […]
Why Passive Candidates Might Be Better in the Long Run
Passive candidates that are not actively looking for a new job are some of the hardest talent to land. However, making the extra effort to reach out to these people can result in bringing on a valuable new asset to your company, who will remain employed with you in the long run. The truth about […]
According to a recent study conducted by PwC, millennials are expected to comprise half of the global workforce by 2020 and like generations before them, these men and women share an all-new set of workplace values and career expectations. Millennials have been labeled as ‘entitled’ – expecting the red carpet to be rolled out for […]
Follow the Leader – 5 Unique Ways to Display Leadership to Your Staff
You might feel confident in your ability to lead and the vision you have for your team. But what if it doesn’t feel like your employees are ready to follow you? Leadership can be abstract, hard to quantify and sometimes difficult to convey to others. However, there are things you can do to show employees […]
Become Great at Juggling – Learn How to Manage Diverse Personalities
A workplace is usually home to a number of different personality types: some of which are a positive influence and some of which are not. As an executive, supervisor or manager, it’s your job to not only navigate these personality differences, but also to set employees up for success within the confines of your business […]
Don’t Insult Your Employees with Trendy Job Titles
Industry forums, blogs and websites might like to tout edgy-sounding positions like “Growth Hacker” or “Copy Ninja,” but these trendy job titles aren’t helping your business and they definitely aren’t helping your employees, who might even be insulted by such a title. The latest round of repurposing old job titles came out of the tech […]
Make an Investment in Your Employees, Not the Stock Market
When you hire a new employee, a large up-front investment goes into getting them up to speed. Unfortunately, at some companies, this is the last time their employer will ever invest in them or their skill set. Employees are like retirement plans – the more you invest in them, the better positioned you are for […]
No Need to Get On One Knee to Engage Your Employees
You’ve had a long, happy and faithful relationship with your employees, so don’t you think it’s time to take your relationship to that next level. I’m talking about engagement! Engaging with your employees opens a whole new world of increased productivity, higher morale, better retention and happier clients. What is employee engagement? Unlike a marriage […]