The Lesser of Two Evils: Quit or Be Fired?

Matt| December 21, 2015| News

Whether you’ve voluntarily elected to leave your job or you’ve been terminated, an abrupt change in employment can have an immediate effect on one’s morale, enthusiasm and even pocketbook. Sometimes you have little to no choice in the matter. If you suspect that your current job may be coming to an end, it may be beneficial to quit ahead of time. While this should be handled on a case-by-case basis, there are a number of advantages to getting a jumpstart on an otherwise failing employment situation.

Begin the Job Hunt Immediately

You’re likely already familiar with the current state of the employment market and the intricacies of the job hunt. Not for the faint of heart, the market today is rife with competition, dead-end opportunities and unfulfilling roles.

Conversely, those who have a head start on the job hunt will find it easier to sift through current offerings to locate new and fulfilling career options. In fact, the most proactive employees will always have a new opportunity lined up before leaving their current one. While this isn’t necessarily a requirement, it does serve to prevent any gaps in income within the foreseeable future.

Downplay Your Recent Termination

This strategy is especially useful if you’ve been fired from your previous job. Instead of focusing on the fact that you’ve been fired, try to be creative when framing your departure from a recent job. Obviously you’ll want to remain truthful, but a negative situation can usually be painted in a manner that demonstrates a positive outcome. Alternatively, some jobseekers may choose to omit such jobs from their resume altogether.

Show What You’ve Learned

If you do tell a potential new employer that you’ve been fired from a previous job, try to include a short statement regarding what you’ve learned from your prior experience. Providing concrete examples of how you’ve moved on, developed your skills or even how you’ve maintained your self-motivation in the face of a recent termination can go a long way in proving your potential to a hiring manager.

A written cover letter, which typically accompanies your initial resume, is an effective way to present what you’ve learned from your most recent termination. Apart from drawing attention to your strengths instead of your weaknesses, it provides hiring managers with pertinent background information before it is requested.

Pros and Cons to Consider

Finally, there are many pros and cons associated with both quitting your job and getting fired. While each state has varying standards regarding unemployment, those who are fired for minor infractions may still be eligible to receive unemployment benefits. Those who quit, on the other hand, are typically considered to be ineligible.

Some companies also offer severance pay to their employees in case of a sudden layoff or termination. Such benefits are typically withheld from those who quit, so you may be missing out on a substantial benefits package by doing so. However, the instant freedom of escaping a dead-end or otherwise horrible job may be worth it.

At Long Island Temps, we assist jobseekers with making the decision to take the next step in their career. Our recruiters invest the time needed to assess your skill-set and proactively source opportunities that suit your individual career goals. Contact our great team of recruiters today!
